Greetings all;
Looking for some information on a new find. A Data I/O Tape Perforator.
It's an 8 level, desktop paper tape punch with LED data display (one LED
for each channel), and apparently a parallel interface of some type, altho
the connector looks somewhat similar to an IEEE-488 connector. However
looking at the logic board in the thing pretty much rules out a '488
interface. (not nearly enuf smarts on the board)
So... I'm seeking some info on this thing, most specifically with regard
to the interface. And before you ask, there is no 'model' number shown on
the unit. The ID plate on the back just says "tape perforator".
Looked at the Data I/O web site, and found nothing (big surprise... not!)
So before I break down and call them to find that no one has any clue as to
what I'm asking (sarcasm flag) about, I figured I'd try here.
Any help?
The Computer Garage -
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Sat Aug 01 1998 - 20:43:01 BST