On 4 Aug 98, at 22:56, Sam Ismail wrote:
> David, why do you insult us like this? I should have you whacked just for
> relaying this message to the list :)
No insult Sam, just thought someone else could use as good a
laugh as I had over it. :-)
> PS. Not crack, but definitely a cocktail of acid, speed and a big dose of
> stupidity.
I seem to have attracted several similar offers of late. I don't know
if something new has slipped into the water supply or they just
don't really know. I try and tell them but most seem to think they
can retire off their old computers. Maybe he'll come back around
after he can't sell it. I wouldn't mind having a ROM 0 just to round
out my IIgs collection but I don't want one THAT bad.
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Wed Aug 05 1998 - 09:23:39 BST