Allison famous in Singapore!

From: Russ Blakeman <>
Date: Fri Aug 7 06:46:40 1998

Charles E. Fox wrote:

> At 03:58 AM 8/7/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >Today: Singapore, tomorrow: the world!
> >

                "One example that shows how much money can be saved involves the
                of her scanning platform. She found her a working HP ScanJet for
free, a copy
                of the software was also free and then scrounged for an interface
card which fit
                an IBM PS/2 machine (a 286). Her net cost so far has been only
US$10. She
                uses Laplink to transfer the images to a 486 for OCR and editing.
                resources available decided the configuration she would use. "

I KNOW this is the same Allison! I just hope she remembers where she "scrounged"
this stuff and maybe I'll start selling old machines in Singapore <g>. All kidding
aside, she is a model for women that wnat to show others that they can do whatever
they put their minds to, despite stereotypes. They didn't mention that Allison
also does just about anything else she puts he mind to. It may also show the world
that she's just cheap (hehe)

I have a feeling that there is starting to become more than a nostalgic revival
for the older equipment. I've had tons of inquiries into the PS/2's I have, for
use rather than collecting, and even more in machines that I've previously had
problems selling or trading. I sold a ton of Commodores lately, from Vic's to
Amigas and I don't have a single unit left in sight.

Maybe the average Joe and JoAnne are getting sick and tired of $2500 every 3 yrs
just to keep up with the Jones'???

 Russ Blakeman
     RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
        Phone: (502) 756-1749 Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
         Email: or
                           ICQ UIN #1714857
                AOL Instant Messenger "RHBLAKEMAN"
       * Parts/Service/Upgrades and more for MOST Computers*
Received on Fri Aug 07 1998 - 06:46:40 BST

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