Plus/4 Power Supply

From: Larry Anderson <>
Date: Sun Aug 9 12:39:16 1998

> From: "PG Manney" <>
> Subject: Wanted: Commodore Plus/4 Power Supply
> Will trade for ??? Have lots of Commodore and PC stuff, some Apple.

You can use a Commodore 64 power supply on your plus/4 too!

What you need to do is remove the power connector from a dead 64 motherboard
and solder it into where the the Plus/4's power connector is. Fortunately
they are both pin for pin compatible with each other. I have modified one
plus/4 in that way and haven't had a problem since. ;)

        Larry Anderson
Larry Anderson - Sysop of Silicon Realms BBS (300-2400bd) (209) 754-1363
Visit my Commodore 8-Bit web page at:
Received on Sun Aug 09 1998 - 12:39:16 BST

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