John Higginbotham wrote:
> I saw a Tandy 1000 HX at a local once a year flea market friday and was
> wondering if the expansion cards it uses (non-standard) are hard to come
> by. I'd like to get it and use it as a dial-in terminal with either a 300
> or 1200 baud modem, whatever is available. This is one of the one-piece
> 1000s, and there's no RS-232 port, or DIN serial port connector on it, just
> joysticks, ext. floppy, and printer connector, the last two are edge-type
> connectors.
> Maybe I'll pick it up tomorrow. I love these yearly Hospice Flea Markets:
> Everything starts off at full price, Friday and Saturday. Sunday, all the
> prices drop by 50%, Monday, you give them a few bucks, and they'll let you
> cart off anything that is left. I hope the tradition still stands this
> year. I saw a Timex Sinclair 1000 (black, mebrane keyboard) along with some
> cassettes and mem expansion boxes for $5.00. If it's still there, I might
> pick it up if someone wants it. (What?!? He's not putting it on ebay to get
> $500.00 bucks for it? Is he crazy???) Yes I are!
The EX and HX cards, aka "Plus" cards are VERY hard to come by. I have a
regular traffic of Tandy 1000 products through here and have only seen two HX's
with hard drives, 3 with serial cards and most with the memory expansion. Many
times when someone has one and is aware of their demand and low supply, they
try to get E-Bay prices for this stuff. Tons of HX and EX units out there, most
were not upgraded to hard drives.
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
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Received on Mon Aug 10 1998 - 08:05:18 BST