On 11 Aug 98 at 8:51, CharlesII_at_nwonline.net wrote:
> try setver [dos version]
> CL>Why not just run... What's that DOS program that fakes out apps to make
> CL>them think they are running on another version of DOS? I'm drawing a blank
> CL>here, but I did use it one time to make Windows 2.03 think it was running
> CL>under DOS 3.3 when it was actually running on DOS 6.0. Worked great. The
> CL>command is documented in the DOS help file, 5.0 and up, IIRC.
> CL>At 01:00 AM 8/11/98 GMT, kyrrin_at_jps.net wrote:
> CL>> Can anyone help this fellow obtain a most ancient version of DOS?
> CL>>Please contact him directly if so.
> CL>>
> CL>> Thanks!
> CL>>
> CL>>-=-=- <snip> -=-=-
> CL>>
> CL>>On Mon, 10 Aug 1998 19:07:07 +0100, in comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc you wrote:
> CL>>
> CL>>>>From: Alun <AJB_at_alunbell.demon.co.uk>
> CL>>>>Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc
> CL>>>>Subject: Dos v2.11
> CL>>>>Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 19:07:07 +0100
> CL>>>>Organization: None
> CL>>>>Message-ID: <McHCtNALbzz1EwkT_at_alunbell.demon.co.uk>
> CL>>>>NNTP-Posting-Host: alunbell.demon.co.uk
> CL>>>>X-NNTP-Posting-Host: alunbell.demon.co.uk:
> CL>>>>X-Trace: news.demon.co.uk 902772436 nnrp-09:18077 NO-IDENT
> CL>alunbell.demon.co.uk:
> CL>>>>X-Complaints-To: abuse_at_demon.net
> CL>>>>MIME-Version: 1.0
> CL>>>>X-Newsreader: Turnpike (32) Version 3.05 <zUgi5+4dx$uH8+eouyXlPLfuay>
> CL>>>>Lines: 8
> CL>>>>Path:
> CL>blushng.jps.net!news.eli.net!news-out.internetmci.com!newsfeed.internetmci.c
> CL>om!!howland.erols.net!woodstock.news.demon.net!demon!news.dem
> CL>on.co.uk!demon!alunbell.demon.co.uk!AJB
> CL>>>>
> CL>>>>Anyone got a copy? I'm happy to pay for it! I need it desperately to
> CL>>>>rescue a customer whose PC2086 and software has died. They are a
> CL>>>>veterinarians, and their drug labelling software only runs on this
> CL>>>>version of DOS (seriously!). I'm rewriting it all, but there's thousand
> CL>>>>of drugs to enter, and until I'm done, they really need their old
> CL>>>>software to run on a spare machine.
> CL>>>>--
> CL>>>>Alun
> CL>>
> CL>>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> CL>>Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave (Fido 1:343/272)
> CL>>http://table.jps.net/~kyrrin -- also kyrrin [A-t] Jps {D=o=t} Net
> CL>>Spam is bad. Spam is theft of service. Spam wastes resources. Don't spam,
> CL>period.
> CL>>I am a WASHINGTON STATE resident. Spam charged $500.00 per incident per
> CL>Chapter 19 RCW.
> CL>>
> CL>-
> CL>- john higginbotham ____________________________
> CL>- webmaster www.pntprinting.com -
> CL>- limbo limbo.netpath.net -
Some 70 text lines for a 4 word response, that was already commented on
in this thread.
Now don't you think that's a little much !
Larry (in indignant mode)
Received on Tue Aug 11 1998 - 07:41:22 BST