Philips XT with 768K

From: Lawrence Walker <>
Date: Wed Aug 12 07:20:50 1998

On 12 Aug 98 at 13:02, Kees Stravers wrote:

> X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 beta -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN
> It is not a BIOS trick. The extra 128K appears in the upper memory area,
> from D000 to EFFF. There was a special device driver available, USE!UMBS.SYS,
> that turned this memory into UMB's if you were running DOS 5. Great for
> parking mouse and network drivers in. The driver was written by a hobbyist
> as a memory study project, it was available with the machine code source
> so you could modify it for other computers. IIRC it should be on Simtel.
> I also have a copy around here somewhere. I used to admin a network that
> had lots of Philips XTs, NMS9100 and P3105 were the ones that had this
> extra memory.
> Kees
> --
 It was a neat machine for an XT. I don't recall if I ever checked to see if it
was using that extra memory or if it had any SW with it. My friend will be
delighted to know that he can squeeze out a little extra ram for memory-hungry
DOS programs.

ciao larry
Received on Wed Aug 12 1998 - 07:20:50 BST

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