At 10:13 AM 8/12/98 -0700, you wrote:
> Just purchased an "Outbound Laptop System". I can't find a power
>switch on the unit. Does it use the keyboard to power on?
> I don't have the power adapter. What are the specs for it? Can the
>Outbound run directly off the adapter or does it need to run off the
Check out <>. Is yours the
Laptop (two pieces) or the Notebook (one piece)? If the latter, I can get
you the specs for the PS when I get home (if you don't hear from me, e-mail
me to remind me.) To start it, hit return or space on the keyboard.
Specs depend on the model. If it's the notebook, there's a model # on the
back by the expansion ports. Could be 68K or 68030 (iirc). It can run
directly off the PS, but batteries should also be readily available (it's a
standard type of camcorder battery.)
If it's the Laptop, and you decide to part with it, do let me know!
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Wed Aug 12 1998 - 17:25:11 BST