On Fri, 7 Aug 1998, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> >Also, I have a Profile harddisk that alledgedly goes with the unit.
> >Without documentation, I see no place that indicates a hard disk should
> >be connected there on the Lisa. But the Lisa has one parallel port and
> >an expansion board with two more parallel ports. Does it connect to one
> >of these? If so, what cable is appropriate? (No cable) And to what
> >should it be connected?
> I hope someone remembers this, it's goes in one of the parallel ports on
> the expansion card, it will ask you which one when you boot. The problem
> is, there is some sort of trick about the cable IIRC, the thing is, I don't
> remember what it is :^(
Might this cabling 'trick' apply to the Apple III as well?
And if so, does anyone know what's special about the cable? That might be
the source of my Profile problems with my III.
Doug Spence
Received on Thu Aug 13 1998 - 03:28:34 BST