Burroughs TDs were Terminal Displays. They used proprietary multidrop
protocols to communicate with the mainframe.
The TD-700 were flat panel displays IIRC, using the Burroughs self-scan
plasma panel. Don't know how you can test them without bringing up a
poll-select multi-drop communications line. I used to write those
protocols in my sleep but can't recall any details.
The TD-800 were CRT based terminals some based on 6800 micros others on
8086 (yes indeed) Burroughs claimed that they were the first to use the
8086 processor and helped Intel debug it. When the IBM PC came out
Burroughs were using substantially more powerful hardware just as dumb
I worked on a sort of skunk works project to interface a hard disk to
one of the terminals and install CPM-86 on it. Fun at the time...
Hans B Pufal Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
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Received on Sat Aug 15 1998 - 17:00:22 BST