C64 for $800

From: Tony Dellett <apulo_at_joyce.eng.yale.edu>
Date: Sun Aug 16 14:50:19 1998

Doug Yowza wrote:
> I'm no Commodore expert, but is there really anything in this lot that's
> worth more than a coupla bux, or is this just the alex-factor at work
> again?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=25343674
> -- Doug

Not really. I had a chance to pick up a C64, 2 x 1541, a 1702 monitor,
and about 40 games (still in boxes) for $55 this weekend. Turned him
down (for now).

Received on Sun Aug 16 1998 - 14:50:19 BST

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