OK, this is starting to get interesting. I've got a box labled VT100
boards, and it's definitely part of the guts of this terminal (the terminal
works as a terminal).
The terminal has had it's front nameplate removed (probably doesn't mean
anything, they were all this way). On the back is a Digital tag declaring
it to be a VT100-AA. Next to that is a ARC (Agency Records Control, Inc.
of Bryon, Texas) declaring to be a Model ART 01.
The box has the following:
M7270 - KD11-HA - 11/03 CPU Board (dual)
M8021 - MRV11-BA - UV ROM/RAM (dual)
M7949 - LAV11 - LA180 Line Printer Interface (dual)
_Another_ Xebec controller (Wierd disk I think) (Quad)
ARC DFV-11A (Quad)
ARC EIA Switch two 2x5 connectors, 2 switches (RUN/HALT and OVRD/NORM)
1 Vector Plugboard (prototyping board) unused, though the bag has been opened.
I the ARC EIA goes in the options slot on the VT100 board. I think it's
third party version of the card that Megan mentioned in a post today. It
has one of the cables and it's 2x5 pin a connector on both ends.
I don't know if all these board belong to this system or not, I'm pretty
sure that the plug board doesn't.
The MRV11-BA has 256 words of RAM, and 2 1k ROMS
I dug through the manuals I've got, but couldn't come up with anything on
what on earth a DFV-11A is.
Off the top of my head I'd say I'm missing a SLU, and I need a disk controller.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh_at_ix.netcom.com (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh_at_holonet.net (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
http://www.dragonfire.net/~healyzh/ |
Received on Sun Aug 16 1998 - 17:26:46 BST