A C128D running at 20MHz with 20MB of RAM plus a 2GB Hard Drive and a 1.6MB
floppy drive is one extraordinary system.
It is sure worth more than a "coupla bux", although I would have fallen out
of the bidding by now. Note that most of these accessories are quite new and
some are useable on other systems.
Phil Guerney
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Yowza <yowza_at_yowza.com>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Monday, August 17, 1998 5:33 AM
Subject: C64 for $800
>I'm no Commodore expert, but is there really anything in this lot that's
>worth more than a coupla bux, or is this just the alex-factor at work
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=25343674
>-- Doug
Received on Sun Aug 16 1998 - 16:47:33 BST