Hmmm.... I remember a couple of incidents in the computer room, where
TU78's took up smoking, on one occaision prompting the system operator
to push the BIG RED BUTTON! Needless to say, a great time was had by
all (It's a bit of a long story)! FWIW, in the other incident, the op on
duty flipped the breaker, opened the back of the cabinet, and literally
BLEW the flames out (Yup, he got an award for that one....).
Kevin McQuiggin wrote:
> At 04:30 PM 98/08/14 -0700, you wrote:
> >There's info on pdp-8 power supplies, including schematics, at
> > Some of the technical documentation may help
> >in checking out the supply.
> The correct URL is The root URL is a
> searchable database on the Northridge California earthquake from January
> 1994. Not of much relevance to our hobby...
> Kevin
> ---
> Kevin McQuiggin VE7ZD
Received on Sun Aug 16 1998 - 18:52:44 BST