Philips XT with 768K

From: Russ Blakeman <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 18:37:21 1998

Allison J Parent wrote:

> The ST251 is easily over 12 years and known for spindle problems.
> It runs real hot. Not a great drive compared the Quantum d540 (31mb)
> that is voicecoil(fast), reliable and known to be very unfussy about
> handling. Also the ST251 was very flakey compared to it's 20mb
> counterpart the st225. Not all were touchy WRT to handling. The biggest
> problems is that between new developments and company turnovers some
> really poor drives made it out the door due to design errors or worse
> poor quality control.
> I still use st506, st412 and st225s but NOT st251s. I also have some 7
> Quantum D540s that refuse to die in my PDP-11s, vax, and CP/M systems.

There are billions of working (and cheap) 251 and 251-1 drives out there
though, hence they get used in these applications more than the lesser
available Quantums. You're darn right on the heat too!

 Russ Blakeman
     RB Custom Services /  Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
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Received on Mon Aug 17 1998 - 18:37:21 BST

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