Anyone Want mac roms?

From: Bill/Carolyn Pechter <>
Date: Tue Aug 18 14:37:24 1998

> Older PowerPC's? Ooh... can I have a 6100 (the CPU box that is)? Can
> you get entire systems?

Me first 8-)

> If not, I'd still love to get ROM SIMMs for an SE/30 and a IIsi. Also,
> a IIsi Ethernet board, if you can find one. Any accelerator cards?
> One last thing, how about an Orange Micro 386 or 486 board?
> Thanks... <<<John>>>

Add another one -- I'd love MacIIfx SIMMS.

| Bill and/or Carolyn Pechter | |
| Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a villain in |
| a James Bond movie -- Dennis Miller |
Received on Tue Aug 18 1998 - 14:37:24 BST

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