I've found this post with Deja News while searching for info on "my" Silent
700 (I don't own it, just have exclusive right to play with it). This
information does not apply to the model I "have"; it has edge connectors,
one for communications line, one for dual cassette interface. I haven't
figured yet the exact model number; I'll post board numbers later, so that
someone could possibly identify the model.
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Subject: Re: Silent 700 with 15-pin D connector. pinout??
>From: npreston_at_cctr.umkc.edu (Neil Preston)
Date: 1995/12/28
Message-ID: <1995Dec28.010537_at_cctr.umkc.edu>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics
The pinout for the 15 pin D-sub connector of a silent 700 is:
Pin 9 - protective ground - terminal chassis
pin 1 - Signal ground
Printer - keyboard interface pins 11-15
Pin 14 - CR busy; from terminal; lpTTL high-true when printhead is lifted
(for test only)
Pin 15 - DTR from terminal; EIA level held ON when terminal is on line
Pin 13 - XMTD from terminal; EIA level held to MARK state when no data is
being transmitted
Pin 12 - RCVD from external; Receive data; EIA level held to MARK state by
external device when no data is to be printed.
Pin 11 - CDET from external; CArrier detect; EIA level held ON by external
device when data is to be received on pin 12.
EIA communications interface Pins 2,3 8
Pin 2 - CARDET from terminal; Carrier detect; EIA level held ON by terminal
when carrier is detected.
Pin 8 - RCVDATA from terminal; Receive data; EIA level held to MARK state
by terminal when no data is being received.
Pin 3 - XMIT DATA from external device; Transmit data; EIA level held to
MARK state by external device when no data is to be transmitted.
Current loop interface
pin 6 - RL1 Input side of receive data current loop when current loop
option is installed; otherwise, 3.3K ohms to +5v
Pin 7 - RL2; Return side of receive data current loop. as above
Pin 5 - X1; Input side of transmit data current loop when option installed.
Pin 4 - X2; Return side of transmit data current loop.
Pin 10 - P12V - spare EIA level held ON when power is on (3.3K ohms to +12v)
If you would like copies of the appropriate pages, send me an SASE with
postage sufficient for 8 pages and I will send them to you.
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Sergey Svishchev -- svs{at}ropnet{dot}ru
Received on Mon Aug 24 1998 - 07:29:56 BST