Shame, shame, shame

From: R. Stricklin <>
Date: Mon Aug 24 19:01:58 1998

On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Wirehead Prime wrote:

> The whole exercise is such a Beavis and Butthead thing to do.


> Myself, I prefer dancing and singing to celebrate things. What happened
> to dressing up in costumes and building floats and giving away free stuff
> like candy or food?

I prefer celebrating in this way, too.

However, as a sysadmin, every so often I feel the primal urge to "get
even" with the machines that are a constant pain in my arse. Disassembling
a semi-functional Wang PC with a splitting maul is very cathartic when
things get to that point.

Plus it helps keep me from feeling like I need to take it out on my users.

Received on Mon Aug 24 1998 - 19:01:58 BST

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