< Does anyone out there know of some sort of gizmo that could be made tha
< would convert an old RLL or MFM Hard drive to be used with a parallel
< interface? I've seen then for IDE, but that's it. I've got a couple o
< old HD's laying around that I'd like to put to use, but there's no room
< any of my computers to put them.
Parallel interface on what? PCs are the only ones you can count on for a
consistant (sorta) interface. Few others are similar. To go from
parallel (assuming it's bidirectional) you would need something like
a WD1002HDO adaptor and some custom logic and software.
VERY NON TRIVIAL! It would be a fair amount of proframming effort and
hhardware to pull it together.
< By the way, does anyone have any old Apple or TRS-80 external disk drive
< that they'd want to get rid of for a few bucks? I don't need the drive
< itself. I need the case and power supply and that's it. If they're
< TRS-80, I could use the drive itself, too.
Apple and trs80 drives are not interchangeable though the case/PS would
be. I think I still have one with a drive.
Received on Mon Aug 24 1998 - 22:43:47 BST
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