I was going to suggest that but since I've never used them, I was
afraid someone might like them. Why the Altair, though?
How about we all pitch in and build a nuclear-powered electromagnetic
mass driver to hurl the ENIAC into space (inadvertentley destroying
an oncoming alien fleet and being the saviours of the world)?
>< > Here's a question: what _obsolete_ computer would you choose for
>< > miracle machine, assuming you have unlimited power?
>< I'd get out my best documentary camera, place an Altair on the
>< and then film you guys trying to catch it. :-)
>I'd want to be the one pulling the catapult release. ;)
>But, before I did that one it would be a TI99/4a... nice cpu hobbled by
>really bad design.
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Received on Tue Aug 25 1998 - 08:17:35 BST