On 27 Aug 98 at 6:33, Francois wrote:
> >On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Francois wrote:
> >
> >> I believe it is relevant to the list for people who might be in the area
> at
> >> the time.
> >
> >But if you have your own local mailing list, then you can talk about us
> >behind our backs. We talk about you guys all the time :-) You can setup
> That's the main reason I wanted to meet my fellow collectors of the MidWest
> so we can talk about you guys
> >your own list using a service like www.listbot.com, for example, or roll
> >your own if you've got your own net.boxen (like all of us SV nerds).
> We have a few of those too but we save them for serious stuff: Real time
> snow flake counter available in streaming video, mosquito forecast for every
> lake in Minnesota.
> You see with all those interesting things goin on that leaves only one place
> to post for our get-together, West Coast collector bashing reunions.
> Would it be more proper to post something in the following form?
> ------------------------------------
> | |
> | |
> | o o |
> | | |
> | U |
> | |
> | |
> | MIDWEST VCD Beta 0.1 |
> | |
> | Friday August 28 1998 |
> | |
> | Chilli's on county road 42 |
> | |
> | 6:00 pm |
> | |
> | |
> | Any one who cares can come |
> | |
> ------------------------------------
> I could add a list of guest speakers and a schedule of events.
> >
> >-- Doug
> Yes I agree that the discussion about the details is probably noise for most
> of you but it's the best way to reach all that would be interested. The
> subject line is clear enough to decide wether you want to read the post or
> not and at about 100 bytes a post it does not constitute a "waste of
> bandwith".
> Francois
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Visit the desperately in need of update
> Sanctuary at: http://www.pclink.com/fauradon
For the little bit of regional noise generated with posts like these I think
the list can afford it. It's benefits to collectors in general as more regions
get themselves together like the Boston and RI inititives are immense. I would
like to see a similiar thing develop in the Toronto area. What better place to
organise the isolated collectors in different regions. I seem to remember
several events that were California-specific being organized on the list.
C'mon give the great unwashed out in the diaspara a break. At least it's more
on-topic than much of the noise that's been generated lately by those who
should know better.
ciao larry
Received on Thu Aug 27 1998 - 11:23:15 BST