>David C. Jenner wrote:
> It IS what's at gatekeeper.dec.com. Exactly. No need to zip up
> anything. Just make a workspace with a project for existing files.
> If you mean the executable, because you may not have a way to compile
> it, sure, the .exe could be put somewhere for FTP. I'm not sure
> gatekeeper is the right place, so I'll put it at my public FTP for now.
> Try ftp://ftp.halcyon.com/djenner/PDP11.zip .
> This is a 32-bit application, by the way. You'll need
> to be running Windows 95/98 or NT. I haven't tried making a 16-bit
> build; that'd require going back to VC++ 1.52. Perhaps someone else
> has that or Borland and can try it for DOS.
> Dave
> Bill Pechter wrote:
> >
> > > The Supnik emulator runs just fine under Windows 95/98.
> > > I use Visual Studio 97 (VC++ 5.0) to build it. You have
> > > to run in in an MS-DOS box, so you don't have a VT52/VT100
> > > terminal. One click and you have RT-11 V4.0C on your desktop.
> > > Or Unix V7.
> > Hmm... sounds like someone should zip it up and get it to gatekeeper.dec.com.
> >
> > Someone should add vt100 emulation next. I wish I was good enough at C
> > to consider an attempt.
> >
> > Bill
Jerome Fine replies:
Thanks very much. I have a friend who does not bother much with the internet,
but I will pass this address along. Also, based on what Bill Pechter said, could
you also put the sources and documentation there as well? It is good to know
that alternatives do exist.
However, the big question is whether Mentec actually honours the copy of the
LICENSE AGREEMENT that was found. Has anyone that is reading this
post actually had a copy signed by Mentec? If you don't want to put your
license at risk (Mentec can cancel it on 30 days notice), please do not respond!
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine
RT-11/TSX-PLUS User/Addict
Received on Fri Aug 28 1998 - 16:52:11 BST