Deja vu

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <>
Date: Fri Aug 28 22:43:22 1998

D. Peschel wrote:
> > >"This instrument can teach, it can illuminate;
> > > Yes,and it can even inspire. But it can do so
> > > only to the extent that humans are determined
> > > to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is
> > > merely lights and wires in a box."
> > > - Micro68 computer User's Manual,EPA Inc. 1976
> Sorry for the extra level of quoting (the original message hasn't reached my
> mailbox yet).
> I believe these words are Edward R. Murrow's -- they refer to television.
> The only reason I know this is because PBS used them in one of their pro-PBS
> "commercials" a while ago.
> Of course they are quite appropriate about computers as well (especially since
> computers these days -- much more than in 1976 -- use the same flashiness
> techniques that the TV industry crdated).
> For non-US readers, PBS is our Public Broadcasting System. It's funded partly
> by viewer donations. There are small "Our sponsors are..." announcements but
> no actual commercials, though there are "Watch PBS because..." clips. And the
> audience is assumed to be much more intelligent/curious than the networks'
> target audience.

You neglect to mention the begathons every PBS station does for at
least two weeks every quarter.
Ward Griffiths <> <>
Bill Gates has this situation where the federal government wants him
convicted for attempting a monopoly.  Has Bill considered responding
with a question as to why there's only one Justice Department?
Received on Fri Aug 28 1998 - 22:43:22 BST

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