From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_pechter.dyn.ml.org>
Date: Sat Aug 29 10:38:54 1998

> > What no room for an internal? If you have a sound card with a proprietry
> > interface connection you could drop it right in. Bet you wish you had the
> tandy
> > set now, huh?
> >
> Not really. There's room for an internal, and I have a sound card, and a
> Mitsumi external w/ a blown controller. I'm just trying to find one of the
> drives that could originally be purchased with the AT (or at least a 3rd
> party accessory).
> --

I've got a spare Mitsumi controller here... and a spare Mitsumi
and a couple of Panasonics.

I've been picking 'em up for $10 as is from some local joints.

Received on Sat Aug 29 1998 - 10:38:54 BST

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