If you need an Atari 400 power supply, I have one. It just needs a new
> From: Doug Spence <ds_spenc_at_alcor.concordia.ca>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: Power adapter question
> Date: Saturday, August 29, 1998 2:05 AM
> On 28 Aug 1998, Marion Bates wrote:
> > I have a generic power adapter that's rated 9VAC, 780mA.
> ^^^^^
> I don't think the voltage will be a problem, but the amperage looks a
> little low on that supply.
> Atari supplied power supplies rated between 1.7A and a whopping 5.6A for
> the 400.
> The AC VIC-20 power supply I have is rated at 3A.
> I don't know what the actual requirements of the systems are, but I'd be
> little wary of using a 780mA power supply.
> Doug Spence
> ds_spenc_at_alcor.concordia.ca
> http://alcor.concordia.ca/~ds_spenc/
Received on Sun Aug 30 1998 - 11:54:32 BST