(fwd) Computer Non-Profit Suspends Operations

From: Sam Ismail <dastar_at_verio.com>
Date: Sun Aug 30 14:49:07 1998

I hope this isn't too late. Some of you in this area may get lucky and
find some old stuff amongst the wreckage.

-- forwarded message --

News Release Please
(Photo/Interview Opportunities available -- see contact information

    Minneapolis based Non-Profit Computer Recycler to Re-organize
         Will Temporarily Suspend Operations on August 31st

Minneapolis, August 12, 1998 - Minneapolis-based DRAGnet, a non-profit
computer recycler, will temporarily suspend all recycling, placement and
technical operations on August 31st, 1998 due to a planned
re-organization. An unplanned warehouse lease termination will also
force a facilities re-location. As a result, DRAGnet will temporarily
discontinue computer equipment donation acceptance or collection by Noon
on Saturday, August 15th, 1998 until further notice.

DRAGnet management also announced today that loss of its warehouse
facilities will require a series of liquidation events before the end of
this month. "Garage Sales" of all acquired computer equipment will be
held each Thursday and Friday afternoon from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. and
Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to Noon at their current warehouse location of
1100 Van Buren Street NE (approximately one block northwest of the
Broadway and Central Avenue intersection). Proceeds will be used to
retire debt and partially fund the re-location and re-organization.

DRAGnet is the nation's largest EPA-licensed non-profit computer
recycling operation. Even with service demand at record levels, DRAGnet
management had targeted the end of 1998 as a period of re-assessment
because of lagging funding support. The lease issue arose unexpectedly
and will result in forcing the re-organization to begin several months
earlier than anticipated.

The re-organization plan involves examining the funding base for
continued and expanded operations as well as addressing other
organizational financial and staff issues. DRAGnet recycling programs
have enjoyed enormous success in recent years including twice being
publicly identified as "the national model that should be copied" by
leading national non-profit and recycling sources. Despite the call for
replication, funding from outside sources has lagged well behind the
demand for service expansion.

After recycling operations are temporarily suspended on August 31st, the
DRAGnet Board of Directors will devote several months to examining
various organization options and opportunities. This will include
expanding and, potentially, replacing existing board members, exploring
strategic alliances with area non-profits, secure funding resource
commitments and/or, perhaps, discontinuing selected service programs if
adequate funding sources are not identified.

In addition to recycling over 12,000 computers each year, DRAGnet has
rebuilt and placed thousands of refurbished computers throughout
Minnesota and the United States. People with disabilities, low-income
families, schools and churches have been the primary beneficiaries.
DRAGnet currently has no individual, foundation or corporate financial

                                  - ### -

Gordon Gillesby
1100 Van Buren Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413-1537

612/378.9794 (fax)

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Received on Sun Aug 30 1998 - 14:49:07 BST

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