HP Laserjet Series II

From: Marty <Marty_at_itgonline.com>
Date: Tue Dec 1 16:41:08 1998

 The Feed Roller Assembly indeed is the entire shaft with clutch and
 feed roller. My experience on SX engines has been clutch failure more
 often than solenoid failure on the paper control pca although the feed
 roller replacement was the most common failure for me. I was repairing
 these for the US ARmy Personnel Command in Alexandria, Virginia on a
 daily basis and learned to swap out the entire feed roller assembly at
 once to ensure the printer was back online okay and avoid a recall.
 I'd typically get about six SX calls a day (along with various pc
 problems and other printer calls) so I had to keep moving. I would
 rebuild these feed roller assemblies in my office when time and
 replacement parts allowed.
 Regarding the CX engine, the clutch in the cassette feed roller
 assembly (which requires splitting the clamshell> a piece of cake
 after you've done it a few times) was the biggest feed failure item I
 encountered. Those weird feed wedges (three I seem to recall) rarely

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Subject: Re: HP Laserjet Series II
Author: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 12/1/98 5:04 PM

> I have repaired literally hundreds of HP II's and HP III's over the
> past 10 years. The paper feed problem you mention is a piece of cake
> to repair (replace) and the parts are readily available at a very low
> price. Following are the parts you need:
 Isn't that the complete spindle with the clutch, etc. It's a _lot_
 cheaper to buy just the worn roller (I have _never_ had a clutch fail),
 and almost as quick to change it.
 There is another common cause for paper jams in that area. Namely that
 one of the clutch solenoids isn't firing - either the pickup clutch
 solenoid or the registration solenoid. There are 2 ways to tell :
 How far does the paper move ?
 About 1" -> registration solenoid
 A little -> worn pickup roller
 Not at all -> pickup solenoid or totally worn roller.
 If there is a solenoid problem, there are 3 solutions :
 Replace the 'electronic component assembly' (PSU + clutch board) -- $$$$$$$$
 Replace the switch/solenoid PCB (clutch board) -- $$$
 Fix the darn thing. There are _4_ components for each clutch - the
 solenoid, the back-emf protection diode, the driver transistor, and its
 base resistor. The transistor is the most likely failure, btw. It
 actually takes less time to test the components than to look up the
 price/part number for the PCB :-)
 It could also be a problem on the DC controller board, but I have never
 had that.
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