My DG Aviion Monitor is a trinitron GDM-1601. If you look it
up on the net at
My monitor shows up at 1024x768 and 1280x1024 (60hz). My monitor
has a 5 bnc connection, but when hooked up to the Aviion, it only
uses RGB. I went to Radio shack and got 3 6' 75 ohm video cables.
They work fine.
However, when I hooked the GDM-1601 up to my PC, the horz was wrong.
I'm not sure why...
Maybe that'll help.
Dean Nelson
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of R. Stricklin
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 1998 11:33 PM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Re: DG Aviion video
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Geoff Roberts wrote:
> >The green connect is labelled "G/MONO" so I'd be inclined to agree with
> >you.
> Mine are just labelled "R" "G" and "B"
I don't supose you happen to know offhand what the resolution and vertical
sync are.. I was unable to get my NEC Multisync 5fge to sync up. Since the
noise was green and not white, there could be something wrong with the
video section. I don't know. The 5fge is the only multisync monitor I have
that supports composite sync on green and has BNC inputs. I did verify
that it was not 1024x768 _at_ 60Hz by trying it on one of my Apollo monitors.
I'm going to see if anything is happening on either of the serial ports in
the meanwhile.
> Erk. That's going to make life difficult. Sun mice are $$ but at
> least you can get them. Any ideas where one would obtain a couple of
> the appropriate rodentia?
If it's truly a quadrature mouse, I'm sure a Logitech Bus mouse or similar
could be kludged up to work.
Received on Wed Dec 02 1998 - 11:25:44 GMT