From: James Willing <jimw_at_agora.rdrop.com>
Date: Mon Dec 7 17:16:33 1998

On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Daniel A. Seagraves wrote:

> It was an NCR 260. Printing terminal, not a computer.
> Talks 300/110 baud, and has EIA and DAA ports. (DAA= Bell's Data Access Arrangement? What was this?)
> -------

Ooooooo... the 'DAA' B^} (Sherman, set the Wayback machine...)

In the days before the 'Carterphone' decision, it was illegal to connect
any privately owned equipment to the telephone 'network' without the use
of a 'Data Access Arrangement' which could only be leased (at first,
purchaseable later for mucho $$$) from your 'friendly' local telco.

A nice black box to which you could connect 'approved' equipment, and the
DAA would (supposedly) protect the telephone network from any
indescretions that your equipment might cause.

Following the 'Carterphone' decision, the specifications for DAA like
devices had to be made available to manufacturers of telephony equipment
(witness the little grey box that came with the original Hayes S-100 modem
card), and the rest as they say, is history...

The Computer Garage - http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Mon Dec 07 1998 - 17:16:33 GMT

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