On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, Doug Yowza wrote:
> [Interesting, there's an Aug 1976 article that talks about how stable CP/M
> has been for the last two years. What did he write it for in 1974? An
> Intellec?]
> Reading through this stuff, I'm reminded that I don't have copies of the
> earlier PCC stuff or any of the earlier club newsletters. Photocopy
> trades, anyone?
I need copies of the PCC newsletter and volume 1 of the Homebrew Computer
Club newsletter (I have Vol 2- the end).
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Always being hassled by the man.
Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
http://www.vintage.org/vcf for details!
[Last web site update: 12/07/98]
Received on Tue Dec 08 1998 - 14:53:31 GMT