tektronics 503 scope

From: Russ Blakeman <rhblake_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Sat Dec 12 11:55:17 1998

I assume it's a tube model, probably early 60's? There's a Tek colector's site at
http://margo.student.utwente.nl/~wel/tek.htm you might want to take a look at.
Many of the scopes have a 1v cal point that you can hook channel A's probe to and
then use it as a clean source of 1v signal (square wave) to see if the scope is
still in limits. That's assuming you have even the slightest knowledge of using

$80 for a working classic scope is fair, dependant upon condition You might even
turn a buck on it with a collector. Check the info and the scope itself before you
buy it though. There's a person on the classifieds looking for a manul that has a
503 that might be of help, email address is mailto: pattilsg_at_hotmail.com

SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com wrote:

> ok, so its not a classic computer but there was a discussion a while back
> about ocilloscopes and i happened upon a model 503 at a thift store for $80.
> is it worth getting? presumably it works but i have no idea how one would test
> it, much less use it.
> david
Received on Sat Dec 12 1998 - 11:55:17 GMT

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