At 12:30 PM 12/13/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Interesting item on ebay. I hadn't heard of it but it looks like it is an
>interesting part of early computer history! The URL is:
I do remember seeing ads for it (Edmund scientific?), if I can find what it
cost then, I will post it.
I just checked, the bid is now $76, too much for me. I have actually managed
to buy no computer items yet on ebay, did get within 1 minute on one item.
I would be interested in what the minivac did? There are 6 relays, one pole
maybe used as a latch? I forgot what it takes in relays for a 1 bit adder, a
single relay coil can be an exclusive or, foe example.
My point is that I can still find relays for US$1 each, so building
something like this isn't out of the question. The "speculation" value is
less interesting to me... if I had one, under what circumstances would I
sell it? Besides, a homebrew could be modified/improved without the
speculation factor.
Received on Sun Dec 13 1998 - 23:36:19 GMT