Hi- Out of lurk mode to plug an item I have on eBay - an MCLA8110, new in
box, microchannel ethernet card. Just in time for Xmas!
http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=48852824 Enjoy! -Jim
>Doug Yowza wrote:
>> On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 Innfogra_at_aol.com wrote:
>> > It is too bad that Marvin's listing impacted you directly. Marvin was only
>> > informing the community of something of interest. He is being a good
>> > revolutionary. I appreciate that.
>> I like it. Seller propaganda. Marvin, you are the tool of the New Flea
>> Market Capitalist! You must resist! We can help you come to the Bidder
>> Resistance! Help us break the shackles of oppressive ebay. Burn, eBay,
>> burn!
>Look at it this way, pretty soon there will be so many items for auction
>that only full time browsers will stand a chance of keeping up :). Now that
>you see the wisdom in what I am doing, when are you going to join us!!!
mailto:heavy_at_ctesc.net Jim Weiler mailto:native-sun_at_usa.net
Received on Mon Dec 14 1998 - 03:28:01 GMT