dec 3100 100mb scsi

From: Jim Strickland <>
Date: Thu Dec 17 15:20:09 1998

Hey gang. Thought you would want to know that Alltronics has 5 dec 3100
100mb 3.5 inch half height drives for sale for 24.95 each. They had 7, but
I just bought 2. One for a Mac SE30, one which will wind up either in the
vaxstation Tim Shoppa is putting together for me, or in my Apple 2 GS, which
in turn will donate its disk to the aforementioned vax. (the GS's disk is
230 megs. Far more than is really useful for it.)
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat!  Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Thu Dec 17 1998 - 15:20:09 GMT

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