dec 3100 100mb scsi

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Thu Dec 17 15:40:51 1998

> Hey gang. Thought you would want to know that Alltronics has 5 dec 3100
> 100mb 3.5 inch half height drives for sale for 24.95 each. They had 7, but
> I just bought 2. One for a Mac SE30, one which will wind up either in the
> vaxstation Tim Shoppa is putting together for me, or in my Apple 2 GS, which
> in turn will donate its disk to the aforementioned vax. (the GS's disk is
> 230 megs. Far more than is really useful for it.)

If this is an RZ23, you will have to either send it a spin-up command
everytime you power it on (the Adaptec 1542C can do this) or locate a utility
to rewrite a bit on an embedded command page. I have an RZ23 in an Amiga 3000.
It does not spin up until I run a program called "LateSCSIMounter".

Other than that, it's an OK drive.

Received on Thu Dec 17 1998 - 15:40:51 GMT

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