TV Typewriter Cookbook

From: Marvin <>
Date: Mon Dec 21 14:38:23 1998

Jay Jaeger wrote:

> complete will the order-out keyboard. I could never find the Molex
> connectors one was supposed to

Way back when, I started to build one and bought the Molex connectors
designed to go with the unit. At that point, I didn't quite understand the
concept of front-to-back registration of the printed circuit boards, and
assumed the pc board layouts were scaled properly <sigh>. Needless to say,
they were not, and the negatives I have made were so far out of register as
to be unusable. I have been looking for them for quite a while, and havn't
been able to find them. It is possible I disposed of them and the plans
years ago (though I hope not.)
Received on Mon Dec 21 1998 - 14:38:23 GMT

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