9370 is a dog! Was: Re: Re[2]: Firsts
At 13:15 13-01-98 -0500, William Donzelli <william_at_ans.net> wrote:
>> Me too! But I think a 4381, say or even a 9370, would be easier to work
>> on.
>Getting a 9370 should not be a problem - they are dogs that really were
>not sucessful. I have seen quite a few in the scrap yards (none suitable
>for taking, however).
I'll agree it's no problem. I got the old 9370 from my company setting at
home. Paid an official $1 to act as a transfer of ownership. It's just
barely a classic now. Obsolete as heck -not too long after we paid $200k+
for it in '86/'87. Lot of Tylenol used to sooth aching back muscles when I
dragged it home piece-by-piece. (Should have seen the wife look at me...)
It's a dog, but nevertheless, something important in the line of S/370
lineage which I literally rescued from the dumpster.
Notably, it is said to be the first actual production unit sold. Don't
exactly recall complete serial number, but it probably is first since it is
something like xxx0001. Will get back to the list later with SN, etc. if
anybody interested in confirming this.
I need OS books (VSE, I think) and help in bringing her completely up.
Xerox, I believe, kept the OS manuals since they did all the software
maintenace under contract. IBM did hardware maintenance, of course. We used
the Xerox Business Management System (XBMS) product to run our company.
Have virtually all other hardware books and most periferal books safely at
Heard that AIX could run on the 9370 under (I think) VM or something. Any
AIX and VM OS's around that I could scrounge for this iron??
Have tried to bring it up at home but, apparently, lack of certain
periferals it expects to see hung off the terminal ports causes the IPL to
quit before OS completely loads. Need a guru or present-day user to help
figure this out.
Any of you folks willing to help me with this project later in the year???
Wife and I just bought another house and will not be settled until
summertime or later. I'm making provisions during my rewiring of the house
to include a 30A double-pole breaker since the 9370 takes 230V, single
phase. Will duct the air coming out of the CPU to heat the house instead of
using the furnace (just kidding, but there's quite a few BTUs dumped outta
the thing and could keep the house above freezing in the winter at least.)
Will tell the list anything more on this machine if any interest.
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt Phone: +716-488-1722 -Home
111 Harding Avenue +716-661-1832 -Office
Jamestown, New York Fax: +716-661-1888 -Office fax
14701-4746 USA email: cfandt_at_servtech.com
Received on Mon Feb 02 1998 - 14:01:48 GMT
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