PS/1 How Much?

From: Mike Allison <>
Date: Wed Feb 4 18:55:12 1998


I was more concerned about clarifying the PS/1 as EISA. I must admit I
didn't know ANY PS/2s had (E)ISA. That's really interesting...


Dan Rector wrote:
> Mike Allison wrote:
> >
> > PS/2 = MCA
> > PS/1 = EISA
> >
> > Agreed??
> >
> > -Mike
> >
> Not quite (at least for PS/2's). PS/2 models with a number lower than
> 50 (ie, mods 25, 30, 35, 40) have an ISA (or is it EISA?) bus.
> --
> Dan Rector
Received on Wed Feb 04 1998 - 18:55:12 GMT

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