> Who, what where, why? Tell me all. ;-) Tim D. Hotze
Who? Well for the Amiga, Gateway 2000 (I know, no one's heard of them)
owns Amiga, Inc. and Amiga International. Amiga International is located
in Germany and is in charge of marketing. Amiga, Inc is located in South
Dakota IIRC, and is in charge of research (Gateway formed them). There are
several clone manufactures, and I'm anxiously awaiting the BoXeR
motherboards. There are several other clones either currently available or
soon to be.
As for why, the Amiga is still actively used in the video industry, and
fairly popular in England and Germany. Personally I've got a bunch of them
because I think they are major league cool! You can still buy the A1200
and A4000 new.
As for the Atari, the clones are coming out of Germany, and mainly targeted
at the Music industry. The Atari's have built in Midi. I've a couple, and
while the concept of their OS is very, very cool (it's all in ROM), I find
it cumbersome to use. Probably the most fanatical computer user I've ever
met is an Atari user, makes me look calm :^)
Linux and {net|open}BSD run on various models of both the Atari and Amiga.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh_at_ix.netcom.com (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh_at_holonet.net (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| For Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| see
http://www.dragonfire.net/~healyzh/ |
| For the collecting of Classic Computers with info on them. |
| see
http://www.dragonfire.net/~healyzh/museum.html |
Received on Sat Feb 07 1998 - 22:10:08 GMT