Anyone need these?

From: John R. Keys Jr. <>
Date: Sun Feb 8 13:40:43 1998

I'll take all if they are still there, we can talk offline about shipping
cost. John
At 02:18 PM 2/8/98 -0500, you wrote:
>A trip to my local thrift today netted me some IBM technical manuals that I
>needed. However, I didn't get it all. Still available are the following:
>1) Hardware Maintenance and Service 3363 Optical Disk Drive.
>2) Technical Reference 3363 Optical Disk Drive
>3) Personal System/2 Model 30 286 Technical Reference
>These are the IBM boxed three ring binders; the first two are still in
>shrinkwrap. The other is clean and apparently complete. The price on each
>is $5.00 plus 6% tax and whatever it costs me to ship them from here in
>Ohio. If anyone wants/needs these, I'll go back and "rescue" them.
>Also they have an Apple IIc and a dual floppy disk drive there for $50. It
>looks clean, but there are no guarantees beyond that. There were no
>manuals/software evident. There is also an Apple monitor there for $15. I
>don't know if it is/was part of the IIc system. I say that because its been
>sitting there for about a month, but the IIc just appeared. It's the right
>color and looks as if it belongs with the IIc, but...........
>Oh yeah, some time ago I picked up a CP/M Primer for the Epson QX-10. This
>is a manual that shipped with the QX-10 and a duplicate in my collection.
>It cost me a dollar, so if anyone has a QX-10 and needs this, contact me and
>I'll pass it along.
>Finally, a while back someone was looking for dBase II reference materials.
>I just acquired eight or ten third party books on dBase II. I think I could
>fix you up with something, el cheapo.
>Cliff Gregory
Received on Sun Feb 08 1998 - 13:40:43 GMT

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