disk equals license

From: John Higginbotham <higginbo_at_netpath.net>
Date: Thu Feb 12 11:13:27 1998

At 11:44 AM 2/12/98, you wrote:

>So here's a question: Let's say you find dox & stuff for Lotus V.2 in the
>dumpster, but with only the original disk 1 of the 3-disk set (IIRC). Do
>you in fact have the license, or not. Is the license bound to *all* of the

I'd say you have the right to purchase a "previous version 1st disk
required" upgrade of the product. You have the disks and the manuals, and
the imaginary license laying right next to it, that the previous owner of
the software threw away along with his right to upgrade.

- John Higginbotham
- limbo.netpath.net
Received on Thu Feb 12 1998 - 11:13:27 GMT

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