Atari ST stuff for the price of shipping

From: Paul E Coad <>
Date: Tue Feb 17 03:20:36 1998


Someone has recently contacted me who has the following free for the
price of shipping:

Atari 520+ ST (upgraded to 1 MB) with original boxes
2 word processing programs
dot matrix computer

The stuff is located in Niceville, FL (about 150 miles west of Tallahassee
or 100 east of Mobile, Alabama).

Any one who is interested can contact Jean Richardson
<> to make arrangements or for additional information.

As a personal request, could whoever takes the stuff send me a note
to let me know that the deal has been made. I don't care to know what the
deal is, but I would like to know that the stuff finds a good and I
don't need to keep looking.


The Antique Computer Collection:
Received on Tue Feb 17 1998 - 03:20:36 GMT

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