System/34 contd.

From: Max Eskin <>
Date: Wed Feb 18 12:17:08 1998

Please don't tell me that there' something on the side opposite the
floppy drive that I need access to! BTW, how would I take the thing
apart to get to the PSU? Note that the CE side is against a wall.
Do you know how much the thing weighs? Is there a way to move it after
it's probably made dents in the floor, short of pyrotechnic charges?
What do you suppose is the heaviest part of it, after PSU and case?
>[Removing PSU for testing]
>That may not be possible. A Sys/34 PSU takes about 1/4 of the
machine's size -
>It's about 1/2 of the front section of the CPU box.
>There's additional parts to it in the rear section. Oh, and there's a
>red switch toward the top center of the non-CE panel side of the
machine, see
>that? It *HAS* to be on to power the machine up. It'll say "power
>on the frontpanel if you don't. Oh, another thing: See the big LOAD
>on the frontpanel next to the FDD? You think that's to LOAD a floppy,
>WRONG, read LOAD as RESET... (I found this out the WRONG way...)
>you push it to reload the O/S.

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Received on Wed Feb 18 1998 - 12:17:08 GMT

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