From: Marty <Marty_at_itgonline.com>
Date: Thu Feb 19 15:32:06 1998

 If you decide to buy an old IBM PS/2 and need tech support you can get
 info from IBM's web site. I picked up a PS/2 Model 60 286 based pc
 last year (which I used as barter for a complete IBM 16-64K PC and
 Victor 9000 from a furniture dealer who wanted a word processor). The
 system wouldn't boot due to a spent cmos battery so after replacing
 the battery I found the reference (setup) diskette at IBM's web site,
 downloaded it to a 3 1/2" floppy and was done with it. Go to
 ibm.com/support and search under ps/2.

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: OOPs AT&Ts
Author: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 2/19/98 3:15 PM

> At 08:54 PM 2/18/98 +0000, you wrote:
> >> At 11:11 PM 2/15/98 +0000, you wrote:
> >
> >> >Jason D.
> >>
> >> Still haven't been back to the place that had the pile of them. There

> >> were bunches at the hamfest though. Most were $75 to $100 (asking price).

> >
> >Joe,
> >
> >Ouch!
> >
> >What was the usual PS/2 models with this inflated asking prices
> >unless it has special reason for this?
> >
> >Let us know after thru these piles anyway.
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Jason D.
> >
> The owner is a typical surplus store owner. He buys the stuff for $30
> a pallet load (20 to 30 machines), but wants an arm and a leg for each one.
> He'll scrap the stuff before selling it cheap. I went back down there
> yesterday to look at some HP's and found out he had pulled ALL the boards
> out of them and was still wanting $100 each for the empty boxes and power
> supplys. The owner was acting like a jerk so I didn't even ask about the
> PS-2s. I don't think they're anything special about the PS-2s but I'm not
> very familar with them so I don't know for sure.
 Hee hee, I agree with you, that guy is jerk! :) Well, so good luck
 with alterative place anyway and see how things goes. What do you
 mean by what do you not familiar with PS-2s? I could help you to
 Jason D.
> Joe
 email: jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca
 Pero, Jason D.
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