Prices & Rants(was: Future Computing Trends. Still is, I gu
> I apologize for any weird layout, but this IS Lynx...(as always
for me)
This seems to come out fine. :)
> I had a drive problem once. It was intermittent, and I never could
> understand what was wrong. Eventually, I swapped the cable and the
> drive, and it works now. The only FDD I've bought was a 3.5" TEAC
> for $70 at the world's worst store- CompUSA. It actually has a metal
> frame!
Ok, these Mitsumi 3.5" and some junky 5.25" drives I had and
experienced were between '90 and '94 of their design before they took
quality seriously recently but their cd roms these days have gone
> >The one advantage of Teac drives is that you can get the service/repair
> >manual. I have it for several versions of the FD55 (5.25" drive) and
> Punched card, IBM ,circa 1928.
Heheeeehehehe.. that would be great if we still used punched tapes
with super dense holes in 16bit format across...dreaming on...
> My Fan howls when I boot, then stops after a few minutes.
> I read an article once on how to replace a PSU fan with a silent
> external one.
Oh, I forgot to add: ATX PSU fan blowing in, blowing hot air on
CPU. How silly! I always tell my friends to flip their ATX PSU fan
around to blowing outside.
> >circuit board and soldering wires all over the place. Amazingly there
> was
> >a schematic printed on the box that the keyboard came in (which I'd cut
> >out and filed), but (I guess) not too suprisingly it was incorrect!.
That is what I liked to work with on those keyboards with PCB's. :)
> I keep bumping into kb's that have plastic film instead of PCBs.
> The problem is that sometimes, the film will bend down, and not detect
> the key, so I have to bash it. (Which I do enough anyway, given my OS)
This is sign of dirt (wear maybe) but IBM keyboards from '87 onwards
use plastic film without problems. Only problem was when liquid
> >And don't get me started on monitors. Is it too much to ask for a
> monitor
No. I wont say this anyway. Too gone already with many
guys even Mag on quality. Every one I known are now like playing
guessing game with them.
> Well, now that we have LCDs, it should get better, though LCD can be
> crap too. Don't have to worry about focus, transformers, etc. But I'm
> sure that they'll figure out something to screw up.
True but much have done already to the LCD, there is not much to
improve upon. I think. The only one stil good is TFT and color
plamsa technolgies.
> >worse than the 17 year old Barco I happen to have...
> Out of ten new Performas, about half have darker monitors. We don't
> know why. It seems that the monitor is the second least reliable part
> of the computer, after the rest of it :)
All tube based monitors besides TV's (not referring to the glass FET)
is notorious for quality diffculties.
> In old machines, everything was hackable anyway, so that any bugs
> in hardware or software could be easily fixed by the likes of us.
> In modern machines, its too complicated to fix anyway, and one would
> never have the time to fix all of the bugs, and for me, hardware is a
> minor problem (since it never breaks for me anyway, even when I try)
I wished I could do that on the stuff but these modern stuff is hard
enough to fix thanks to the advancements besides the oldies stuff
we're collecting.
Jason D.
Pero, Jason D.
Received on Sun Feb 22 1998 - 17:04:51 GMT
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