I don't care for replicas. Instead of building a replica why not try
to make your own design from scratch? At least it would be original.
I don't have an Apple 1, doubt I'll ever luck into one at a reasonable
cost and am happy with that (well... fatalistic anyway and have
accepted the situation). At least the rest of what I'm preserving is
real. No replicas/tributes/fakes for me.
Marty Mintzell
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Subject: Re: Provenance and lineage
Author: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 2/25/98 12:57 PM
At 09:41 2/25/98 -0500, Chuck wrote:
>Scott Walde wrote:
>> > >Thinking out loud:
>> > >I wonder what the market would be for an Apple I replica?
>Yeah, but!!!
>Can you picture the problems trying to document the lineage of a
>'genuine' Altair, IMSAI, or Apple.
That's called provenance, and antique dealers do it all the time -- and
I've written provenance on an Apple One myself, which was easy, since the
board was being bought from a retired Apple exec and he showed me all the
right stuff.
Car and airplane collectors have procedures in place to deal with these
matters, and we will end up copying those. For example, there aren't many
Bugattis around any more with ALL their original parts, but thanks to the
infrastructure that's evolved, people simply know which parts are in what
car. It only matters when they change hands, anyway. This is what's
behind, for example, Chris Bachmann's attempt to establish an Apple One
Absent that, though, I think that any Apple One "replica" would currently
be considered a forgery.
Kip Crosby engine_at_chac.org
Computer History Association of California
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From: Kip Crosby <engine_at_chac.org>
To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers"
Subject: Re: Provenance and lineage
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