Photo of Smithsonian microcomputer exhibit

From: John Higginbotham <>
Date: Wed Feb 25 18:58:39 1998

At 08:42 PM 2/25/98 +0000, you wrote:

>Yuck!!! Why on earth would anybody want to do that? If you want a machine
>that's not available, then recreate it using parts as close to the
>originals in function as possible, sure (as an example, say you couldn't
>get any 2102 1K*1 RAMs. Use 2114 1K*4 RAMs instead - just a quarter of
>the number). But to use the logic board out of some other machine
>attempting to emulate a classic is plain stupid.

Look, opinions differ. No need to get ugly about it. Different aspects are
more important to different people. I won't try to defend my position here,
you win, I'm stupid. There. Now isn't that better than a flood of messages
back and fourth?
Received on Wed Feb 25 1998 - 18:58:39 GMT

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