PDP-8/Is Successfully Retrieved!!!

From: Wirehead Prime <wirehead_at_retrocomputing.com>
Date: Mon Jan 12 20:36:04 1998

And now...ladies and gentleman...the contents of the first 3 boxes from
the PDP-8/i acquisition....drum roll please....

Two switch covers from ASR-33s with clear buttons labelled REL., UNLOCK,
B.SP. and LOCK "ON".

A flip chip labelled M706.

2 Applied Magnetics Corp. disk drive heads in the box.

Digital spares PN 12-09169-00 (10/21/82) 10 pcs (2 bags) containing
lights like in the PDP-8 front panel.

Several flip chips M633, R107, W998, M206, M102, M112, another M633,
A613, another M206, another M102, M100, and A704.

Several boxes of paper tape containing assorted programs for the PDP-8
(apparently bug free...I can't stand dead icky bugs or their remains).

Two blue plastic boxes containing OS/8 and all the tools etc that DEC
shipped like PAL, etc.

More documentation for the ASR33. Woo hoo! =-)

And much MUCH more! I won't bother you with the details...just wanted to
share some of the fun.

Anthony Clifton - Wirehead

On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Wirehead Prime wrote:

> I now have in my possession three PDP-8/Is (only around 4000 were
> produced) from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri! They are in
> reasonably crusty condition, having been stored in a garage for 10 years
> or more, but appear to be all there.
> One has no peripherals, one has a DecTape drive and another has the
> high-speed paper tape reader. The machine with the DecTape, which is
> apparently a Posibus machine, has a custom interface built out of DEC
> Building Blocks modules...ALOT of them and is very nifty.
> I expect restoration to occupy months or years but is, nevertheless,
> quite probable.
> In addition, I received a PDP-11/34 without programmers console (just the
> plain boot switch console) with an RK05f and an RK05j. It is
> tremendously heavy and my assistant and I were nearly (quite literally)
> crushed in our attempts to get it on the truck. Our spotter did not
> inform of us a dip in the concrete and it tipped backward on us with only
> our spotter giving us the necessary force, at the last moment, to lift it
> back up. It was highly unpleasant.
> I received several boxes of flip-chips, manuals (LOTS of manuals), tech
> sheets, blank paper tape still in the box and other items that I haven't
> had an opportunity to explore. The boxes were stored in a basement so
> there's a fair amount of water damage and a LOVELY musty odor (woo hoo). =-)
> I also received an Teletype ASR-33, for which I have manuals fortunately,
> in fairly crustated condition. Someone left a tape in the mechanism and,
> through the years of being stored in a basement, it has become yellowed,
> brittle and has adhered to the unit.
> Finally, I received an Apple LISA with the
> external hard drive, which
> apparently has some electronic problems in the monitor but sound fixable.
> I'll have pictures and information on the website at
> http://www.retrocomputing.com as soon as I get them unloaded and situated.
> Anthony Clifton - Wirehead
Received on Mon Jan 12 1998 - 20:36:04 GMT

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