Round-up of classic HP stuff

From: Joe <>
Date: Sun Jan 18 14:19:01 1998


>(2) 21MX E computers (one having 1MW of memory, the other with 256MW)

   What's a MW of memory?

At 10:04 AM 1/18/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Frank McConnell and I (and another associate) made a nice haul of great HP
>mini's yesterday. The tally:
>(2) 21MX E computers (one having 1MW of memory, the other with 256MW)
>(1) HP1000A
>(1) HP1000 model 600A (hard drive, 3.5" floppy)
>(1) Tape Reader Reroller (the 8th of only a few ever made)
>(2) 2647F terminals (these are actually computers running Basic with
> built-in tape and external 5.25" disk drives but are used as
> terminals to the 21MX)
>(2) Mag-tape drives (Frank will provide the specs and model #s)
>(1) Big-assed line printer and stand
>(2) HP racks
>(Frank, what did I mess up on?)
>Plus some software, a bunch of little spare parts, cables, connectors, and
>a FULL set of manuals, including service manuals and engineering manuals
>with schematics and all that for everything.
>The guy was more interested in getting rid of it and having it go to a
>good home than getting money for it. We paid him $200. Of course Frank
>now has an invaluable contact for discussing his HP passion (the guy we
>bought the stuff from is a 26 year HP veteran).
>I think when it was all done Frank basically had an accident in his pants
>as he could not contain his excitement over his good fortune.
>On an unrelated haul, I picked up a bunch of nice IBM manuals. I got the
>service manuals for the IBM PC and IBM PCjr. I also got the Options and
>Adaptors manual which describes, of all things, the various options and
>adaptors available for the PC, including the expansion chassis which I
>found last year in a thrift shop. Also got an original DOS 1.10 manual
>and software, a manual for Windows 1.03 (whee!) and a ton of other neat
>Sam Alternate e-mail:
>Computer Historian, Programmer, Musician, Philosopher, Athlete, Writer,
>                   Coming Soon...Vintage Computer Festival 2.0
>                   See for details!
Received on Sun Jan 18 1998 - 14:19:01 GMT

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