back ontopic: mac 400k drive.

From: Hotze <>
Date: Tue Jan 27 21:33:45 1998

Actually, I've had lots of bad luck with Compaq. They're semi-PCs (like the
Tandy 1000's) I mean, if you go to download Internet Explorer 4 from
Microsoft, they have a seperate download for Compaqs. If you call tech
support, they'll charge you for ANYTHING they can.
    Tim D. Hotze
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Duell <>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 1998 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: back ontopic: mac 400k drive.

>> Big CHOMP!
>> >... You could hose up the head, or send a minute
>> > electrical charge through your body that could affect your ability to
>> > reproduce in the future. Unless you are really good with working on
>> > mechanical parts, save yourself the headache and replace the drive.
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> To vent abit...
>> This reponses is typical of tech-support droid who do not wants
>> anyone to mess with internal computer parts without giving any tips
>Well said. I agree 100%
>Not only do I _enjoy_ doing repairs, but I am getting fed up with the
>number of times I've received replies like :
>'Monochrome monitors are old-fashioned. You can buy a new SVGA colour
>monitor for less than the cost of repair'
>The problem is, the monitor in question was off a Whitechapel
>workstation. Not the sort of machine you can just plug a PC monitor into.
>Ditto disk drives. You can't plug just any hard disk into a PERQ or a
>PDP8, or an Apple ][, or a whatever. Sometimes you have to repair the old
>That's apart from the fact that you should try to keep as many original
>parts in a classic as you can.
>Without wishing to blow my own trumpet, some people on this list are
>quite good at handling small parts (a lot smaller than you find in disk
>drives), are quite happy to replace surface mount components at home,
>will rebuild thick-film hybrids, will rewind motors, will realign disk
>drives, and have an array of tools and test equipment that exceeds just
>about any service centre.
>Another mini-flame for service manuals that claim that some part is 'not
>field repairable'. Sorry, but _I'll_ decide what _I_ can repair. At the
>moment, the only thing I can't rebuild is hard disk HDAs. But I'd much
>rather have a service manual that starts 'Take the HDA into a clean room
>and undo the cover screws (#1 in fig 4.2), lift off cover' etc than one
>which entirely misses out the HDA.
>> or solution besides telling them off to "authorized sites". Compaq
>> is pretty bad especially when I own years out of date equipment and
>> needs trival info on two resistors to fix a SLT power brick, I'm
>Do you have any idea as to the circuit topology in this unit? I don't
>have any Compaq stuff, but I may be able to guess what's going on if you
>indicate what the main chopper control chip is, and where the resistors
>are located (electrically) in relation to it.
>> Jason D.
Received on Tue Jan 27 1998 - 21:33:45 GMT

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